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Abaxton Nitronflow 1L

Abaxton Nitronflow 1L

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Stabilized Nitrogen liquid fertilizer in flow form which confers immediate, medium and long-lasting Nitrogen. Its special formulation allows the plant to have available all the three forms of inorganic Nitrogen (ureic, ammoniacal and nitric) gradually, avoiding like this losses by lixiviation and evaporation, increasing the assimilability and effectivity of the product and at the same time, decreasing the pollution in ground water.


Total Nitrogen (N)          32%                                                                                               Ureic Nitrogen (N)           16%                                                                                             Nitric Nitrogen (N)            8%                                                                                      Dicyandiamide (DCD) of nitrifiable Nitrogen    3.25%  

Recommended cropsِ

Lucerne, cotton, strawberry, vegetables, banana tree, citrus, fruit trees, beetroot, cereals, olive tree, vineyard, ornamental crops, others.


Foliar spraying: 400-600cc/hl                                                                                      Fertirrigation: 100-200L/ha

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